More than half a year has passed and we have experienced whatnot. We are witnessing a pandemic that was never before. A new virus and a new disease that no one of us has ever heard of has affected everyone’s life whether one is infected or not. Our frontline warriors are facing even more troubles as they are more exposed to the infection than anyone else. Precaution is the only cure we have right now. 
Despite getting worried about the situation we should focus on our well being. Start reading fitness lifestyle blogs that suggest tips for staying fit. We can defeat this stress only by staying physically and mentally fit. 
Here are some tips of self-care for you that will help you to maintain a good lifestyle and health:

  1. Follow a routine: People who are at home during this pandemic must stick to a routine. Whether you are working from home or just home without any work, a routine is important for all. There should be a timetable for all the things you need to do in a day. You should know how much time you should give your work and yourself. 
  2. Avoid things that disturb your sleep cycle: Accept it or not but many of us are addicted to the internet. We watch web series, play online games, spend time on social media, etc. Make sure nothing of that hampers your sleep schedule. The wellness of our mental health mostly depends on our sleep cycle. Quality sleep can protect your mental as well as physical health. 
  3. Start your day with positivity: Positivity is so much important in this difficult time to stay fit. It mostly depends on how you start your day. Make a morning routine for yourself like when to wake up, the first thing to do after getting fresh, reading a book or pray, do some exercise, and then start your normal daily routine. You will feel more focused and energetic. 
  4. Open your heart: Not surgically, of course, talk your heart out. It is a tough time for all of us. Some are facing financial crises, some are infected with the virus and some are having other problems. Do not think you are facing it all alone. Talk to your loved ones if something is bothering you. If you think something is not right with you then seek professional help. There are mental fitness experts who can help you in a better way. 
  5. Follow all the guidelines given by the WHO: World Health Organization is constantly releasing the guidelines to stop the spread of COVID-19. Keep a check on those guidelines and follow them undoubtedly. Do not forget to wear your mask when stepping out and follow social distancing. Go out only if it is urgent or necessary. Avoid touching the surfaces and keep the sanitizer with you. 
  6. You are isolated, not alone: It has been a long time that we are self-isolated. You must be feeling lonely and missing your friends. So what if you can not meet them at least you can talk to them on call. Video calls are there to help us to reach out to our friends and family. Talk to them and share your feelings. It gives strength to fight the difficulties. 
  7. Stay away from TMI: Staying aware of the ongoing situation is good but Too Much Information can break you unnecessarily. Avoid watching news 24/7. Corona cases are increasing and the news is too much stress. Listening to the same thing, again and again, can bring negativity. It is also very important to stay away from fake news. Do not trust any forwarded message without verifying them from trusted sources. 

Concussion: This is so important to think about self-care when things around us are not going well. Doctors and scientists are trying their best to find the vaccine but till then we have to be more conscious. Staying away from corona does not mean to stay stressed. Protect yourself but do not get worried all the time. Follow your routine as you were doing earlier with precautions and positivity.    

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